Snowmobile Land operating information at Naeba Ski Resort (2025/1/22)
This is the operating status of Snowmobile Land operated by Kappa Club, located on the Dragon Dora side of Naeba Ski Resort.
Same-day participation may be available, so feel free to come and enjoy the experience!
60-min = Snowmobile 60-minute Tour
10-min = Snowmobile 10-minute Experience
Rafting = SnowRafting
Buggy = SnowBuggyCruising
○ 受付可、▲ 残り僅か、× 受付不可、ー 開催なしAvailability:
○ Available, ▲ Limited Availability, × Fully Booked, ー Not Offered
1/22 60-min 10-min Rafting Buggy 9:30 × ▲ ○ ― 10:00 × × ○ ― 10:30 × × ○ ― 11:00 × ▲ ○ ― 11:30 × × ○ ― 12:00 × × ○ ― 12:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 13:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 13:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 14:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 14:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 15:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 15:30 ― ○ ○ ― 1月21日16:00現在
Please be aware that if there are many other guests making same-day reservations, you may experience a wait time after arriving. Thank you for your understanding.
If you make a reservation, you can definitely experience tomorrow's 60-minute snowmobile tour.
You can make reservations for the 60-minute snowmobile tour course.
Click here to apply for the 60-minute snowmobile tour course
60-min = Snowmobile 60-minute Tour
10-min = Snowmobile 10-minute Experience
Rafting = SnowRafting
Buggy = SnowBuggyCruising
○ 受付可、▲ 残り僅か、× 受付不可、ー 開催なしAvailability:
○ Available, ▲ Limited Availability, × Fully Booked, ー Not Offered
1/23 60-min 10-min Rafting Buggy 9:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 10:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 10:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 11:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 11:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 12:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 12:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 13:00 ○ ○ ○ ― 13:30 ○ ○ ○ ― 14:00 ▲ ○ ○ ― 14:30 ▲ ▲ ○ ― 15:00 ▲ ▲ ○ ― 15:30 ― ○ ○ ― 1月21日16:00現在
*If there are duplicate reservations, we may ask you to make a reservation at a different time, so please be sure to check your email reply.
スノーモービルは最大2人乗りの雪上バイクで、免許は必要ありません。 カッパCLUBでは女性でも扱いやすい小型の排気量600ccのスポーツタイプのスノーモービルを採用しておりますので、ガイドから簡単な運転操作のレクチャーを受けて頂くだけで初めてでも手軽に雪上ドライビングが楽しめます。
小学生から中学生までのお子様と親子で一緒に体験できる「親子タンデム 60分コース」がおすすめです!
Snowmobiles are motorcycles that can carry up to two people and do not require a license. Kappa Club uses small 600cc sports-type snowmobiles that are easy for women to handle, so even beginners can easily enjoy driving on the snow after receiving a simple driving lesson from the guide.
On the 60-minute touring course, you can enjoy a leisurely long-distance drive to the vast snowy fields where the Fuji Rock Festival is held in the summer.